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Released the "Manifesto sul futuro delle società in transizione", among the first signatories Roberto Buizza, a physicist at Sant'Anna School: this is how climate change contributes to the change of our society

The new synthesis document was promoted by Alessandra Sannella, sociologist at the University of Cassino, and Mariella Nocenzi, sociologist at Sapienza, University of Rome. Here are the key passages of the manifesto elaborated during the "Symposium on Social Transitions and Climate Change", sponsored by "EU Green Week"

Publication date: 12.07.2022
Manifesto sul futuro delle società in transizione
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Published the " Manifesto sul futuro delle società in transizione", promoted by the University of Cassino, in collaboration with Sapienza University of Rome, the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development and the "Sociologia per la Persona" Group. Among the first signatories is Roberto Buizza, a physicist at Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies. The document is the result of the discussion that took place as part of the first edition of the "Symposium on Social Transition and Climate Change" (held in Gaeta, in early June 2022), a symposium during which experts from various disciplines and representatives of political, economic and social institutions discussed the deep changes in progress.

The manifesto considers the current transformations, with special attention towards the social ones, induced also and especially by climate change. Its impact is increasingly evident and can be seen in all spheres of social life, and it engages policymakers, businesswomen and businessmen, representatives of the associational world, and citizens, locally and globally. The manifesto was written on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, held in Stockholm, which built the foundation for multilateral negotiation by governments on climate and habitat protection, emphasizing the centrality of social justice in the evolution toward economic and social models coherent with the needs of the Planet.

The Symposium, during which the manifesto was eleborated, was included in the calendar of EU Green Week 2022, an event promoted annually by the European Commission to discuss European environmental policy with politicians, environmentalists, and European stakeholders; for 2022, special attention was given to the European Green Deal, the European Union's sustainable and transformative growth strategy for a resource efficient and climate neutral Europe within 2050.